The adaptive athletics association has created this resource for our community to grow and flourish by offering a place that we can connect with each other about the sports we love. This resource will be an ever evolving thing that will grow from the feedback and request of its users.
Please fill free to share about all things sport here: where you practice, what competitions you will be going to, who is coaching you, what kind of equipment you are using, and anything else that you feel will benefit the community.
To access all the ways to add to the discussion on this website you will need to become a member and login to the website.
When you create an account you will be able to add a profile picture of yourself, share a little bit about yourself in a bio, and answer some questions about any disability you may have, what sports you play and other related questions to help identify yourself to others on the website.
Your privacy is important to us here, and you also have the right to remain anonymous if you so choose, but by answering all questions in the profile you will help contribute statistical data to further the understanding of our websites overall audience.
We look forward to hearing from you, and hope that you enjoy this resource.