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Adaptive Sports Questionnaire

*** The more thoroughly you answer the questions in this questionnaire the more the website will tailor itself to suit your needs. The data collected in this questionaire will also be used in anonymous collective statistical data about our community on this website. ***
What is your involvement with adaptive sports, check all that apply:

Other Contact Information

This field determines how to best enter the format of your address into our system.
*** Update your privacy settings to share your address or telephone number with the adaptive athletics association community. By default your address and telephone number will not be shared with the community.
To have your city, state/provence and country listed on any sport profiles you create later you will need to provide your address here. ***
Address USA
Address <em>USA</em>
Address Europe
Address <em>Europe</em>
Address International
Address <em>International</em>
To help all of our adaptive community members please use full international telephone number with no spaces. (example for USA numbers 12345678900 – include the 1 before the number)

Disability Questionnaire

*** This information is not shared anywhere on the website and is strictly intended for anonymous collective demographic statistical data collection of our community and for helping your account receive functional enhancements on this website. ***
Check all that apply:
I’d like to know more about:
The services I provide disabled people are:
The disabled person I work with is my:
My child is a:
The person I know with a disability is:
This is often referred to as your “anniversary day” of the day you became disabled. For those with no specific date, a best estimation is appreciated.
Explain the specifics of your disability. Diagnosis, Condition, Classification, etc… You may choose to share this information with the community.

My Sports

*** Select and add the sports, you play and the sports you would like to follow to receive updates when new information is added to the sports. ***
Provide your best estimation as to when you started in this sport.

Maximum file size: 2MB

My Organizations

*** Add the organizations you would like to follow or are a part of to receive new updates related to the organization. ***

My Events

*** Add the events you will attend and or would like to stay informed of to receive new updates when information is added about the event. ***

Organization Administration Profile

Privacy Settings

If you choose “yes” your name, profile picture and country you live in can be discovered and shared with our community.
Allow my social media links to be viewable by other community members on the Adaptive Athletics Association website.
Allow my telephone number to be viewable by other community members on the Adaptive Athletics Association website.
Allow my email address to be viewable by other community members on the Adaptive Athletics Association website.
Allow my State/Provence to be viewable by other community members on the Adaptive Athletics Association website. We only share your country portion of address by default. Your complete address will only be shared with another individual on the website via a request with your approval to share it.

Social Links[Your name here][Your name here]